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By accessing our site, you agree to hold VITFriends VITILIGO Support Group, Inc its affiliate groups, its assignees, licensees, owners, officers and directors harmless from any loss, claim or damage arising from your use of any of the information and ideas contained on the site, including suggestions or advice posted on web pages.
VITFriends is a Social Network of Friends who have the condition known as Vitiligo and who are members of Global Vitiligo Support Foundation (formerly known as Vitiligo Working Group).
VITFriends does NOT provide Psychological Counseling, offer Advice or Therapy of any kind. Please consult your primary care team for advice.
FACTS you should know about Vitiligo:
Vitiligo is a skin disease; however, it is not contagious.
Vitiligo is a member of the autoimmune family of diseases, and affects the color of the skin.
Awareness is KEY to educating the masses as to just what this condition is.
Vitiligo patients are often scorned, physically and verbally abused, and in today’s society some are being bullied.
NO federal dollars have been allocated for Vitiligo Support and some insurance companies do NOT cover the treatments that can be helpful to those interested in re-pigmenting.
People with Vitiligo face a serious quality of life issue that many others can not relate too.
Like other autoimmune diseases, Vitiligo must be respected as such and not be labeled as a mere "cosmetic issue".
We need you! We need the support of everyone - with and without Vitiligo - to stand with us. World Vitiligo Day, June 25th, is the day that we will make our voices heard as we stand together as a sign of visible strength and say with one voice that Vitiligo must be a real concern to our nation and to our world and we want it to be noted and respected as such.
You can sponsor an individual to attend this event or support the efforts/expenses to making this event a success.